More than half of UK workers unhappy in their job

Poor pay, no work-life balance, unsociable working hours – whatever your reason for hating your job, you are not the only one.

Latest research from CV Library has revealed that more than half (55.6 per cent) of UK workers aren’t happy in their current roles.

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The survey, which questioned more than 1,200 workers discovered that 38.9 per cent confessed inadequate pay was the main reason they disliked their job, whereas 32.6 per cent blamed no room for career profession as being the other main reason for job dissatisfaction.

Other reasons included: poor company culture (30.8 per cent), poor work-life balance (21.8 per cent), boring daily routine (18.7 per cent), disliking the working hours (15.3 per cent), disliking the boss (14.9 per cent), having a long commute (13.6 per cent), disliking colleagues (5 per cent) and having issues in private life affecting work life (4.8 per cent).

“It’s worrying to learn that so many professionals are unhappy in their current roles. Job satisfaction plays an important part of keeping staff motivated and productive,” says founder and managing director of CV Library, Lee Biggins.

“As an employer, it’s vital that you are able to spot the signs of dissatisfaction or low morale and combat these issues right away. Tackling these early on can help to get staff back on track and start enjoying their work again.

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Lee added: “It’s clear that company culture, pay and progression are important to professionals. Be sure that you’re offering fair and competitive packages and that these tie in with creating a great working environment. Hosting social events is a great way to help staff blow off steam and build good relationships with their co-workers. This also goes a long way towards creating a great company culture.”

It’s not all doom and gloom though, as CV Library’s research also revealed how professionals are hopeful about improving their current jobs with over half (53.1 per cent) saying that you should always take positive steps to try and make things better before you give up on your job. In addition, 63.9 per cent said the best place to start with improving the job is by talking to the manager.