Founding governor '˜was most passionate supporter of Ulidia Integrated College' says former head

George Leslie.George Leslie.
George Leslie.
The former principal of Ulidia Integrated College has paid an emotional tribute to a founding governor of the school whose funeral took place today.

Eugene Martin recalled that he first met George Leslie during an interview for the post of principal, on April 16 1997.

He said: “At that time, I knew very little about the school that Brenda and George and the other members of the steering group envisaged creating.

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“What was this ‘steering group’? What was its vision for an integrated school in the Carrickfergus area?

Former principal of Ulidia Integrated College Eugene Martin.Former principal of Ulidia Integrated College Eugene Martin.
Former principal of Ulidia Integrated College Eugene Martin.

“Two days after being appointed, I walked into Brenda and George’s house in Carrickfergus. Brenda and George were leading members of the steering group - and I was greeted by over half a dozen smiling, friendly and determined faces.

“It was a very strange yet very rewarding first meeting. But what followed during the next three hours was like an episode of ‘Yes Minister’.

“The steering group quizzed me on every educational issue under the sun. We discussed the curriculum we wanted to offer – the subjects that would be studied.