UFU wants your memories for their centenary celebrations

UFU annual meeting at Greenmount. Picture: Cliff DonaldsonUFU annual meeting at Greenmount. Picture: Cliff Donaldson
UFU annual meeting at Greenmount. Picture: Cliff Donaldson
The Ulster Farmers' Union is calling on farmers and their families members, young and old, to share their stories and memories about the UFU and farming over the past 100 years as it gears up to mark its centenary year in 2018.

“The UFU has been around a long time, thanks to the support of our members and their families, and we want to share their stories and memories to honour their contributions over the last 100 years,” says UFU president Barclay Bell.

Mr Bell says that farmers have long memories and are great story tellers so there should be no shortage of material.

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“We want to give the history of the union a personal touch with the help of our members. We are keen to collect all kinds of stories and memories. Funny stories about farming, particularly if it relates to the union; interesting stories about your involvement with the union; how the union has helped you; how farming has changed over the years; and stories relating to major agricultural events. Anything you think helps show the history of the Union, we want to hear it.”

The union is planning to share these stories and memories through its website, social media, and some will be included in a centenary book to be published in 2018. “For 100 years our members have been at the heart of everything we do and this is an opportunity for us to mark their contributions and achievements,” says the UFU president.

If you would like to contribute to this historic project, contact UFU HQ on 0289037022 or visit www.ufuni.org