Time to discover the wonderful world of Waders

Discover the great range of waders at the Barmouth.Discover the great range of waders at the Barmouth.
Discover the great range of waders at the Barmouth.
Many of us enjoy watching the birds, seeing the robins in our gardens, dippers along the rivers, and buzzards catching thermals in the sky to name but a few.

So why not come along and enjoy the Biodiversity Games Wonderful World of Waders, and discover the great variety of waders at the Barmouth and how to identify them!

Rachel Bain, Biodiversity Officer, Ballymoney, Coleraine, Limavady and Moyle Councils explained: “This is part of the Biodiversity Games series of events, which is a recording project supported by the National Lottery through the Heritage Lottery Fund, ‘Your Heritage’ Programme, which aims to get people involved in helping their local biodiversity by ‘getting them recording’.

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If you have ever wanted to know the difference between curlew and bar-tailed godwit, redshank or oystercatcher then here is your chance: Saturday 26th October, 10am-1pm, National Trust Bird hide, Barmouth and Bann Estuary, Barmouth Rd, Castlerock. To book your place call 028 7034 7272

If you would like to join Rachel Bain, and Dermot Hughes, Forage Ireland, then book your place today and come along to learn about our fantastic waders, from the comfort of the National Trusts bird hide.

For further information log onto www.biodiversityni.com or contact Rachel Bain, Biodiversity Officer on (028) 7034 7272 or email: Rachel.bain@colerainebc.gov.uk.